6 Mobile App Launch Mistakes to Avoid in 2025
Gaurav G.
Jul 2, 2022
App Development

It has been a while since the mobile apps industry has been established and it has only been growing since then, with the industry worth reaching a whopping 106 billion dollars today. Most of the digital service providers these days own one or more mobile apps.
Android or iOS, the number of mobile app launches is only increasing day by day. Mobile apps have improved customer engagement over the past years and the delivery of services has become much quick and easy. They also help build brand awareness, boost revenue and help you gain a competitive edge over your rival.
To attain all of these windfalls with a mobile app, a good product or service to market and ideas that might transform the existing routine is not enough! The success of a mobile app is not solely based on the app’s idea and its numerous features. There are a lot of other factors that you should take care of before and after launching a mobile app.
With the help of a carefully crafted mobile app development / launch strategy, most of the errors that might happen while launching a mobile app can be avoided. Here are some of the mistakes that you should look out for.

Not Acknowledging Your Customer
It’s easy to expect that whatever you put out there in the form of an app, your users and existing customers will absolutely love it. But with new mobile app launches happening every day, customer standards have risen and they only expect the best features from every new app launch.
It’s important to research and study your target customers’ behavior, requirements, and expectations, before creating the blueprint for your app. Creating a buyer persona and mapping out a customer’s journey through your app will help understand the pain points better. Both the marketing and development of your app should be according to the insights gathered from the user research.
You should determine if the solution you put forth through your app is relevant and sustainable. Also, ensure that the current market needs an app like yours or is it already saturated.
Overlooking Your Competition
Today, there exists an app for almost every single thing. Gaming, streaming, fitness, cooking, learning, the scope of mobile apps are endless. So most of the time, you might not be entering a market without a noticeable competitor. If the market is already saturated with similar apps, another mobile app launch with one or two new features might not be what your target audience wants.
It’s vital to explore and examine your competition just like how you should study your customers. Through this, you’ll be able to discover the shortcomings of your competitions and offer a better solution for your customers, standing out from the others. Following the current market trends and adapting quickly to the changing requirements of the customers will also help in staying ahead of the others.
Mediocre User Interface
Whatever trend might come in the future, one thing that won’t change anytime soon is the importance of an attractive, aesthetic, and easily usable user interface. A user interface can be considered as the first impression of the user of the app and if the users are put off from the beginning itself, they won’t even care to try out the features of your app. Most people uninstall apps within a short while of installing if they don’t find the app interface appealing and easy to interact with.
Your app should be user-friendly and the designing process should be prioritized to make the user’s journey through the app pleasing and smooth. The transition from page to page, the buttons, and the way the features pop up are all noteworthy if you want to satisfy the customer.
The age group of your target customers should be also considered while choosing the colors and adding graphic elements. Make sure that all those won’t take a lot of time to load as customers are mostly impatient.
The app icon is also as important as the user interface. Make sure that it’s catchy and the users will be able to easily remember it and find your app.
Too Many Features
Filling the app with tons of features anticipating that the customers will want and use all of them is another mobile app launch mistake that most of the app providers still make.
The purpose of an app itself is to narrow down the functionalities, different from the website which will mostly include every single stuff related to a business. If you consider and treat your app just like your website, customers might not be able to tell the difference.
Apps should deliver a more narrowed user flow. Users usually sign up for an app to enjoy the few major features and the other simple yet effective features that support the purpose of the major features. No unnecessary or extra feature should make it to the app.
Not Testing Enough
No customer likes to deal with an app that crashes often and is full of bugs. This hinders the user flow. When a user is trying to get something done, they really wouldn't have the time to deal with your poorly built app and will look for other options immediately.
Doing all sorts of testing on the app in the development stage itself and before the mobile app launch is essential. But it shouldn’t stop there. Still, there might be unnoticed bugs and loading issues that a customer might encounter. Your team should be able to quickly find the issue and come up with a solution, which will be an upgrade of the app, as soon as possible.
The work isn’t done even after your app is launched and running. The maintenance of the app is as important as its development.
No Useful Updates
Just like in the case of testing, launching an app isn’t enough to stay relevant in the market and gain customers. In the current market with competition in any field, you should be able to come up with new features, tweaks, and maybe an overall makeover for the app, to retain your users and gain more.
There will be always room for growth for any “perfectly made” app. With the constantly changing market trends, it’ll be easier to come up with new updates.
You should also look out for constructive customer feedback in the form of reviews and ratings, which can sometimes be more helpful than any insight you derived from data. You can then tweak the app according to their suggestions and it’s a good way to make your users feel heard!
Apps are a great way to promote your business and reach your target customers easily. As smartphone users are only increasing every day, apps aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Careless mobile app launch mistakes can make your app fall short in front of its competitors. So it is best to create a well-planned mobile app launch strategy before moving to the development stage. Trying to recover your app from dying after launching, can be much more difficult than it is in the development stage.

It has been a while since the mobile apps industry has been established and it has only been growing since then, with the industry worth reaching a whopping 106 billion dollars today. Most of the digital service providers these days own one or more mobile apps.
Android or iOS, the number of mobile app launches is only increasing day by day. Mobile apps have improved customer engagement over the past years and the delivery of services has become much quick and easy. They also help build brand awareness, boost revenue and help you gain a competitive edge over your rival.
To attain all of these windfalls with a mobile app, a good product or service to market and ideas that might transform the existing routine is not enough! The success of a mobile app is not solely based on the app’s idea and its numerous features. There are a lot of other factors that you should take care of before and after launching a mobile app.
With the help of a carefully crafted mobile app development / launch strategy, most of the errors that might happen while launching a mobile app can be avoided. Here are some of the mistakes that you should look out for.

Not Acknowledging Your Customer
It’s easy to expect that whatever you put out there in the form of an app, your users and existing customers will absolutely love it. But with new mobile app launches happening every day, customer standards have risen and they only expect the best features from every new app launch.
It’s important to research and study your target customers’ behavior, requirements, and expectations, before creating the blueprint for your app. Creating a buyer persona and mapping out a customer’s journey through your app will help understand the pain points better. Both the marketing and development of your app should be according to the insights gathered from the user research.
You should determine if the solution you put forth through your app is relevant and sustainable. Also, ensure that the current market needs an app like yours or is it already saturated.
Overlooking Your Competition
Today, there exists an app for almost every single thing. Gaming, streaming, fitness, cooking, learning, the scope of mobile apps are endless. So most of the time, you might not be entering a market without a noticeable competitor. If the market is already saturated with similar apps, another mobile app launch with one or two new features might not be what your target audience wants.
It’s vital to explore and examine your competition just like how you should study your customers. Through this, you’ll be able to discover the shortcomings of your competitions and offer a better solution for your customers, standing out from the others. Following the current market trends and adapting quickly to the changing requirements of the customers will also help in staying ahead of the others.
Mediocre User Interface
Whatever trend might come in the future, one thing that won’t change anytime soon is the importance of an attractive, aesthetic, and easily usable user interface. A user interface can be considered as the first impression of the user of the app and if the users are put off from the beginning itself, they won’t even care to try out the features of your app. Most people uninstall apps within a short while of installing if they don’t find the app interface appealing and easy to interact with.
Your app should be user-friendly and the designing process should be prioritized to make the user’s journey through the app pleasing and smooth. The transition from page to page, the buttons, and the way the features pop up are all noteworthy if you want to satisfy the customer.
The age group of your target customers should be also considered while choosing the colors and adding graphic elements. Make sure that all those won’t take a lot of time to load as customers are mostly impatient.
The app icon is also as important as the user interface. Make sure that it’s catchy and the users will be able to easily remember it and find your app.
Too Many Features
Filling the app with tons of features anticipating that the customers will want and use all of them is another mobile app launch mistake that most of the app providers still make.
The purpose of an app itself is to narrow down the functionalities, different from the website which will mostly include every single stuff related to a business. If you consider and treat your app just like your website, customers might not be able to tell the difference.
Apps should deliver a more narrowed user flow. Users usually sign up for an app to enjoy the few major features and the other simple yet effective features that support the purpose of the major features. No unnecessary or extra feature should make it to the app.
Not Testing Enough
No customer likes to deal with an app that crashes often and is full of bugs. This hinders the user flow. When a user is trying to get something done, they really wouldn't have the time to deal with your poorly built app and will look for other options immediately.
Doing all sorts of testing on the app in the development stage itself and before the mobile app launch is essential. But it shouldn’t stop there. Still, there might be unnoticed bugs and loading issues that a customer might encounter. Your team should be able to quickly find the issue and come up with a solution, which will be an upgrade of the app, as soon as possible.
The work isn’t done even after your app is launched and running. The maintenance of the app is as important as its development.
No Useful Updates
Just like in the case of testing, launching an app isn’t enough to stay relevant in the market and gain customers. In the current market with competition in any field, you should be able to come up with new features, tweaks, and maybe an overall makeover for the app, to retain your users and gain more.
There will be always room for growth for any “perfectly made” app. With the constantly changing market trends, it’ll be easier to come up with new updates.
You should also look out for constructive customer feedback in the form of reviews and ratings, which can sometimes be more helpful than any insight you derived from data. You can then tweak the app according to their suggestions and it’s a good way to make your users feel heard!
Apps are a great way to promote your business and reach your target customers easily. As smartphone users are only increasing every day, apps aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Careless mobile app launch mistakes can make your app fall short in front of its competitors. So it is best to create a well-planned mobile app launch strategy before moving to the development stage. Trying to recover your app from dying after launching, can be much more difficult than it is in the development stage.

It has been a while since the mobile apps industry has been established and it has only been growing since then, with the industry worth reaching a whopping 106 billion dollars today. Most of the digital service providers these days own one or more mobile apps.
Android or iOS, the number of mobile app launches is only increasing day by day. Mobile apps have improved customer engagement over the past years and the delivery of services has become much quick and easy. They also help build brand awareness, boost revenue and help you gain a competitive edge over your rival.
To attain all of these windfalls with a mobile app, a good product or service to market and ideas that might transform the existing routine is not enough! The success of a mobile app is not solely based on the app’s idea and its numerous features. There are a lot of other factors that you should take care of before and after launching a mobile app.
With the help of a carefully crafted mobile app development / launch strategy, most of the errors that might happen while launching a mobile app can be avoided. Here are some of the mistakes that you should look out for.

Not Acknowledging Your Customer
It’s easy to expect that whatever you put out there in the form of an app, your users and existing customers will absolutely love it. But with new mobile app launches happening every day, customer standards have risen and they only expect the best features from every new app launch.
It’s important to research and study your target customers’ behavior, requirements, and expectations, before creating the blueprint for your app. Creating a buyer persona and mapping out a customer’s journey through your app will help understand the pain points better. Both the marketing and development of your app should be according to the insights gathered from the user research.
You should determine if the solution you put forth through your app is relevant and sustainable. Also, ensure that the current market needs an app like yours or is it already saturated.
Overlooking Your Competition
Today, there exists an app for almost every single thing. Gaming, streaming, fitness, cooking, learning, the scope of mobile apps are endless. So most of the time, you might not be entering a market without a noticeable competitor. If the market is already saturated with similar apps, another mobile app launch with one or two new features might not be what your target audience wants.
It’s vital to explore and examine your competition just like how you should study your customers. Through this, you’ll be able to discover the shortcomings of your competitions and offer a better solution for your customers, standing out from the others. Following the current market trends and adapting quickly to the changing requirements of the customers will also help in staying ahead of the others.
Mediocre User Interface
Whatever trend might come in the future, one thing that won’t change anytime soon is the importance of an attractive, aesthetic, and easily usable user interface. A user interface can be considered as the first impression of the user of the app and if the users are put off from the beginning itself, they won’t even care to try out the features of your app. Most people uninstall apps within a short while of installing if they don’t find the app interface appealing and easy to interact with.
Your app should be user-friendly and the designing process should be prioritized to make the user’s journey through the app pleasing and smooth. The transition from page to page, the buttons, and the way the features pop up are all noteworthy if you want to satisfy the customer.
The age group of your target customers should be also considered while choosing the colors and adding graphic elements. Make sure that all those won’t take a lot of time to load as customers are mostly impatient.
The app icon is also as important as the user interface. Make sure that it’s catchy and the users will be able to easily remember it and find your app.
Too Many Features
Filling the app with tons of features anticipating that the customers will want and use all of them is another mobile app launch mistake that most of the app providers still make.
The purpose of an app itself is to narrow down the functionalities, different from the website which will mostly include every single stuff related to a business. If you consider and treat your app just like your website, customers might not be able to tell the difference.
Apps should deliver a more narrowed user flow. Users usually sign up for an app to enjoy the few major features and the other simple yet effective features that support the purpose of the major features. No unnecessary or extra feature should make it to the app.
Not Testing Enough
No customer likes to deal with an app that crashes often and is full of bugs. This hinders the user flow. When a user is trying to get something done, they really wouldn't have the time to deal with your poorly built app and will look for other options immediately.
Doing all sorts of testing on the app in the development stage itself and before the mobile app launch is essential. But it shouldn’t stop there. Still, there might be unnoticed bugs and loading issues that a customer might encounter. Your team should be able to quickly find the issue and come up with a solution, which will be an upgrade of the app, as soon as possible.
The work isn’t done even after your app is launched and running. The maintenance of the app is as important as its development.
No Useful Updates
Just like in the case of testing, launching an app isn’t enough to stay relevant in the market and gain customers. In the current market with competition in any field, you should be able to come up with new features, tweaks, and maybe an overall makeover for the app, to retain your users and gain more.
There will be always room for growth for any “perfectly made” app. With the constantly changing market trends, it’ll be easier to come up with new updates.
You should also look out for constructive customer feedback in the form of reviews and ratings, which can sometimes be more helpful than any insight you derived from data. You can then tweak the app according to their suggestions and it’s a good way to make your users feel heard!
Apps are a great way to promote your business and reach your target customers easily. As smartphone users are only increasing every day, apps aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Careless mobile app launch mistakes can make your app fall short in front of its competitors. So it is best to create a well-planned mobile app launch strategy before moving to the development stage. Trying to recover your app from dying after launching, can be much more difficult than it is in the development stage.

It has been a while since the mobile apps industry has been established and it has only been growing since then, with the industry worth reaching a whopping 106 billion dollars today. Most of the digital service providers these days own one or more mobile apps.
Android or iOS, the number of mobile app launches is only increasing day by day. Mobile apps have improved customer engagement over the past years and the delivery of services has become much quick and easy. They also help build brand awareness, boost revenue and help you gain a competitive edge over your rival.
To attain all of these windfalls with a mobile app, a good product or service to market and ideas that might transform the existing routine is not enough! The success of a mobile app is not solely based on the app’s idea and its numerous features. There are a lot of other factors that you should take care of before and after launching a mobile app.
With the help of a carefully crafted mobile app development / launch strategy, most of the errors that might happen while launching a mobile app can be avoided. Here are some of the mistakes that you should look out for.

Not Acknowledging Your Customer
It’s easy to expect that whatever you put out there in the form of an app, your users and existing customers will absolutely love it. But with new mobile app launches happening every day, customer standards have risen and they only expect the best features from every new app launch.
It’s important to research and study your target customers’ behavior, requirements, and expectations, before creating the blueprint for your app. Creating a buyer persona and mapping out a customer’s journey through your app will help understand the pain points better. Both the marketing and development of your app should be according to the insights gathered from the user research.
You should determine if the solution you put forth through your app is relevant and sustainable. Also, ensure that the current market needs an app like yours or is it already saturated.
Overlooking Your Competition
Today, there exists an app for almost every single thing. Gaming, streaming, fitness, cooking, learning, the scope of mobile apps are endless. So most of the time, you might not be entering a market without a noticeable competitor. If the market is already saturated with similar apps, another mobile app launch with one or two new features might not be what your target audience wants.
It’s vital to explore and examine your competition just like how you should study your customers. Through this, you’ll be able to discover the shortcomings of your competitions and offer a better solution for your customers, standing out from the others. Following the current market trends and adapting quickly to the changing requirements of the customers will also help in staying ahead of the others.
Mediocre User Interface
Whatever trend might come in the future, one thing that won’t change anytime soon is the importance of an attractive, aesthetic, and easily usable user interface. A user interface can be considered as the first impression of the user of the app and if the users are put off from the beginning itself, they won’t even care to try out the features of your app. Most people uninstall apps within a short while of installing if they don’t find the app interface appealing and easy to interact with.
Your app should be user-friendly and the designing process should be prioritized to make the user’s journey through the app pleasing and smooth. The transition from page to page, the buttons, and the way the features pop up are all noteworthy if you want to satisfy the customer.
The age group of your target customers should be also considered while choosing the colors and adding graphic elements. Make sure that all those won’t take a lot of time to load as customers are mostly impatient.
The app icon is also as important as the user interface. Make sure that it’s catchy and the users will be able to easily remember it and find your app.
Too Many Features
Filling the app with tons of features anticipating that the customers will want and use all of them is another mobile app launch mistake that most of the app providers still make.
The purpose of an app itself is to narrow down the functionalities, different from the website which will mostly include every single stuff related to a business. If you consider and treat your app just like your website, customers might not be able to tell the difference.
Apps should deliver a more narrowed user flow. Users usually sign up for an app to enjoy the few major features and the other simple yet effective features that support the purpose of the major features. No unnecessary or extra feature should make it to the app.
Not Testing Enough
No customer likes to deal with an app that crashes often and is full of bugs. This hinders the user flow. When a user is trying to get something done, they really wouldn't have the time to deal with your poorly built app and will look for other options immediately.
Doing all sorts of testing on the app in the development stage itself and before the mobile app launch is essential. But it shouldn’t stop there. Still, there might be unnoticed bugs and loading issues that a customer might encounter. Your team should be able to quickly find the issue and come up with a solution, which will be an upgrade of the app, as soon as possible.
The work isn’t done even after your app is launched and running. The maintenance of the app is as important as its development.
No Useful Updates
Just like in the case of testing, launching an app isn’t enough to stay relevant in the market and gain customers. In the current market with competition in any field, you should be able to come up with new features, tweaks, and maybe an overall makeover for the app, to retain your users and gain more.
There will be always room for growth for any “perfectly made” app. With the constantly changing market trends, it’ll be easier to come up with new updates.
You should also look out for constructive customer feedback in the form of reviews and ratings, which can sometimes be more helpful than any insight you derived from data. You can then tweak the app according to their suggestions and it’s a good way to make your users feel heard!
Apps are a great way to promote your business and reach your target customers easily. As smartphone users are only increasing every day, apps aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Careless mobile app launch mistakes can make your app fall short in front of its competitors. So it is best to create a well-planned mobile app launch strategy before moving to the development stage. Trying to recover your app from dying after launching, can be much more difficult than it is in the development stage.

It has been a while since the mobile apps industry has been established and it has only been growing since then, with the industry worth reaching a whopping 106 billion dollars today. Most of the digital service providers these days own one or more mobile apps.
Android or iOS, the number of mobile app launches is only increasing day by day. Mobile apps have improved customer engagement over the past years and the delivery of services has become much quick and easy. They also help build brand awareness, boost revenue and help you gain a competitive edge over your rival.
To attain all of these windfalls with a mobile app, a good product or service to market and ideas that might transform the existing routine is not enough! The success of a mobile app is not solely based on the app’s idea and its numerous features. There are a lot of other factors that you should take care of before and after launching a mobile app.
With the help of a carefully crafted mobile app development / launch strategy, most of the errors that might happen while launching a mobile app can be avoided. Here are some of the mistakes that you should look out for.

Not Acknowledging Your Customer
It’s easy to expect that whatever you put out there in the form of an app, your users and existing customers will absolutely love it. But with new mobile app launches happening every day, customer standards have risen and they only expect the best features from every new app launch.
It’s important to research and study your target customers’ behavior, requirements, and expectations, before creating the blueprint for your app. Creating a buyer persona and mapping out a customer’s journey through your app will help understand the pain points better. Both the marketing and development of your app should be according to the insights gathered from the user research.
You should determine if the solution you put forth through your app is relevant and sustainable. Also, ensure that the current market needs an app like yours or is it already saturated.
Overlooking Your Competition
Today, there exists an app for almost every single thing. Gaming, streaming, fitness, cooking, learning, the scope of mobile apps are endless. So most of the time, you might not be entering a market without a noticeable competitor. If the market is already saturated with similar apps, another mobile app launch with one or two new features might not be what your target audience wants.
It’s vital to explore and examine your competition just like how you should study your customers. Through this, you’ll be able to discover the shortcomings of your competitions and offer a better solution for your customers, standing out from the others. Following the current market trends and adapting quickly to the changing requirements of the customers will also help in staying ahead of the others.
Mediocre User Interface
Whatever trend might come in the future, one thing that won’t change anytime soon is the importance of an attractive, aesthetic, and easily usable user interface. A user interface can be considered as the first impression of the user of the app and if the users are put off from the beginning itself, they won’t even care to try out the features of your app. Most people uninstall apps within a short while of installing if they don’t find the app interface appealing and easy to interact with.
Your app should be user-friendly and the designing process should be prioritized to make the user’s journey through the app pleasing and smooth. The transition from page to page, the buttons, and the way the features pop up are all noteworthy if you want to satisfy the customer.
The age group of your target customers should be also considered while choosing the colors and adding graphic elements. Make sure that all those won’t take a lot of time to load as customers are mostly impatient.
The app icon is also as important as the user interface. Make sure that it’s catchy and the users will be able to easily remember it and find your app.
Too Many Features
Filling the app with tons of features anticipating that the customers will want and use all of them is another mobile app launch mistake that most of the app providers still make.
The purpose of an app itself is to narrow down the functionalities, different from the website which will mostly include every single stuff related to a business. If you consider and treat your app just like your website, customers might not be able to tell the difference.
Apps should deliver a more narrowed user flow. Users usually sign up for an app to enjoy the few major features and the other simple yet effective features that support the purpose of the major features. No unnecessary or extra feature should make it to the app.
Not Testing Enough
No customer likes to deal with an app that crashes often and is full of bugs. This hinders the user flow. When a user is trying to get something done, they really wouldn't have the time to deal with your poorly built app and will look for other options immediately.
Doing all sorts of testing on the app in the development stage itself and before the mobile app launch is essential. But it shouldn’t stop there. Still, there might be unnoticed bugs and loading issues that a customer might encounter. Your team should be able to quickly find the issue and come up with a solution, which will be an upgrade of the app, as soon as possible.
The work isn’t done even after your app is launched and running. The maintenance of the app is as important as its development.
No Useful Updates
Just like in the case of testing, launching an app isn’t enough to stay relevant in the market and gain customers. In the current market with competition in any field, you should be able to come up with new features, tweaks, and maybe an overall makeover for the app, to retain your users and gain more.
There will be always room for growth for any “perfectly made” app. With the constantly changing market trends, it’ll be easier to come up with new updates.
You should also look out for constructive customer feedback in the form of reviews and ratings, which can sometimes be more helpful than any insight you derived from data. You can then tweak the app according to their suggestions and it’s a good way to make your users feel heard!
Apps are a great way to promote your business and reach your target customers easily. As smartphone users are only increasing every day, apps aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Careless mobile app launch mistakes can make your app fall short in front of its competitors. So it is best to create a well-planned mobile app launch strategy before moving to the development stage. Trying to recover your app from dying after launching, can be much more difficult than it is in the development stage.

It has been a while since the mobile apps industry has been established and it has only been growing since then, with the industry worth reaching a whopping 106 billion dollars today. Most of the digital service providers these days own one or more mobile apps.
Android or iOS, the number of mobile app launches is only increasing day by day. Mobile apps have improved customer engagement over the past years and the delivery of services has become much quick and easy. They also help build brand awareness, boost revenue and help you gain a competitive edge over your rival.
To attain all of these windfalls with a mobile app, a good product or service to market and ideas that might transform the existing routine is not enough! The success of a mobile app is not solely based on the app’s idea and its numerous features. There are a lot of other factors that you should take care of before and after launching a mobile app.
With the help of a carefully crafted mobile app development / launch strategy, most of the errors that might happen while launching a mobile app can be avoided. Here are some of the mistakes that you should look out for.

Not Acknowledging Your Customer
It’s easy to expect that whatever you put out there in the form of an app, your users and existing customers will absolutely love it. But with new mobile app launches happening every day, customer standards have risen and they only expect the best features from every new app launch.
It’s important to research and study your target customers’ behavior, requirements, and expectations, before creating the blueprint for your app. Creating a buyer persona and mapping out a customer’s journey through your app will help understand the pain points better. Both the marketing and development of your app should be according to the insights gathered from the user research.
You should determine if the solution you put forth through your app is relevant and sustainable. Also, ensure that the current market needs an app like yours or is it already saturated.
Overlooking Your Competition
Today, there exists an app for almost every single thing. Gaming, streaming, fitness, cooking, learning, the scope of mobile apps are endless. So most of the time, you might not be entering a market without a noticeable competitor. If the market is already saturated with similar apps, another mobile app launch with one or two new features might not be what your target audience wants.
It’s vital to explore and examine your competition just like how you should study your customers. Through this, you’ll be able to discover the shortcomings of your competitions and offer a better solution for your customers, standing out from the others. Following the current market trends and adapting quickly to the changing requirements of the customers will also help in staying ahead of the others.
Mediocre User Interface
Whatever trend might come in the future, one thing that won’t change anytime soon is the importance of an attractive, aesthetic, and easily usable user interface. A user interface can be considered as the first impression of the user of the app and if the users are put off from the beginning itself, they won’t even care to try out the features of your app. Most people uninstall apps within a short while of installing if they don’t find the app interface appealing and easy to interact with.
Your app should be user-friendly and the designing process should be prioritized to make the user’s journey through the app pleasing and smooth. The transition from page to page, the buttons, and the way the features pop up are all noteworthy if you want to satisfy the customer.
The age group of your target customers should be also considered while choosing the colors and adding graphic elements. Make sure that all those won’t take a lot of time to load as customers are mostly impatient.
The app icon is also as important as the user interface. Make sure that it’s catchy and the users will be able to easily remember it and find your app.
Too Many Features
Filling the app with tons of features anticipating that the customers will want and use all of them is another mobile app launch mistake that most of the app providers still make.
The purpose of an app itself is to narrow down the functionalities, different from the website which will mostly include every single stuff related to a business. If you consider and treat your app just like your website, customers might not be able to tell the difference.
Apps should deliver a more narrowed user flow. Users usually sign up for an app to enjoy the few major features and the other simple yet effective features that support the purpose of the major features. No unnecessary or extra feature should make it to the app.
Not Testing Enough
No customer likes to deal with an app that crashes often and is full of bugs. This hinders the user flow. When a user is trying to get something done, they really wouldn't have the time to deal with your poorly built app and will look for other options immediately.
Doing all sorts of testing on the app in the development stage itself and before the mobile app launch is essential. But it shouldn’t stop there. Still, there might be unnoticed bugs and loading issues that a customer might encounter. Your team should be able to quickly find the issue and come up with a solution, which will be an upgrade of the app, as soon as possible.
The work isn’t done even after your app is launched and running. The maintenance of the app is as important as its development.
No Useful Updates
Just like in the case of testing, launching an app isn’t enough to stay relevant in the market and gain customers. In the current market with competition in any field, you should be able to come up with new features, tweaks, and maybe an overall makeover for the app, to retain your users and gain more.
There will be always room for growth for any “perfectly made” app. With the constantly changing market trends, it’ll be easier to come up with new updates.
You should also look out for constructive customer feedback in the form of reviews and ratings, which can sometimes be more helpful than any insight you derived from data. You can then tweak the app according to their suggestions and it’s a good way to make your users feel heard!
Apps are a great way to promote your business and reach your target customers easily. As smartphone users are only increasing every day, apps aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Careless mobile app launch mistakes can make your app fall short in front of its competitors. So it is best to create a well-planned mobile app launch strategy before moving to the development stage. Trying to recover your app from dying after launching, can be much more difficult than it is in the development stage.

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